Saturday, June 13, 2009

Marcia Tate Dendrites Workshop

Yesterday I was given the opportunity to attend a Marcia Tate workshop. It was incredible! The duration of the presentation was six hours, but it certainly didn't feel that way! The time really flew by! The real gift that Marcia offers is that she really does practice what she preaches! As she chunked her presentation, she recapped specifically and explicitly what she was doing--reinforcing what she wants us to do in our teaching. It was a two-for-one!

As she discussed the characteristics of a brain compatible environment and strategies we could use, I was thinking about how I could tailor and tweak what I teach. I can make my research units different. I am really inspired to apply this in the fall.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Initial Post

I think I have a brain made of Teflon! Blogging just hasn't stuck for me. It may be because I am so busy. It may be because I think I don't have much to say. It could be because I have a short attention span! It could be all of these!